Anime Review: Boruto- Naruto Next Gen (Eps 231-245)

Eps 231-245 :Return To The Land Of Water & Hidden Mist Village Arc

  • 231:Tsubaki an her team get asked to investigate a series of incidents, which they learn is a Samurai is responsible for the attacks on citizens, whilst this occurs we also get some flashbacks into Tsubaki’s past growing & learning the way of the Samurai in her own village.
  • 232:Team 5 with Denki as the captain have been placed on a B rank mission to do a job consisting of delivery of some important puppets to a neighboring Ninja nation, as he finally arrives at Gold Island with his team, they encounter some unexpected circumstances.
  • 233:Team 7 has a new member consisting of Kawaki, who will work alongside with Mitsuki & Boruto, as Sarada heads the mission involving Katasasuke, who will be seeing the presentation of a new power system at the Hidden Mist Village, also with warnings that there could be some terrorist activity to prepare for.
  • 234:As things are confirmed in relation to the terrorist attack, Sarada, Mitsuki & Kawaki are looking after Katasasuke, whilst Boruto has caught up with Kagura & now helping him out at the prison facility in the Land Of Water, home of the Hidden Mist Village.
  • 235:Team 7 along with Kagura’s team make arrangements with a boat driver to try to help out Denki, whilst also trying to capture the pirates responsible for the attack on the Hidden Mist Village specialty events being held in the Land Of Water, whilst this is happening we are seeing Kawaki getting seasickness in the boat they are in, as they are trying to apprehend the terrorists responsible for the attack.

  • 236:As things progress with Sarada & Mitsuki meeting up with Denki, Boruto & an the rest of team are about to encounter a Pirate fortress, Sarada seeks to save the hostages, with Denkis team that are still on the island, an to free them from the Pirate Funato’s hands.
  • 237:Time is now of the essence in this mission to save the hostages from the Funato clan, as Sarada & Denki have escaped the island, Boruto with Kawaki are on the mobile fortress together, an have to make their decisions count to the last, as he also loses contact to Kagura on the boat that was on, waiting on the members of the hidden leaf.
  • 238:As Boruto and his team, are working there way back to the hidden mist village by ship, overnight a murder takes place, whilst many of them are sleeping, only to wake up to the news that the captain of the ship has been killed, even as Kagura has to oversee the prisoners he bought with him on this journey to help recover the hostages & now to try to solve who the killer is.
  • 239:Whilst the ship that Boruto & Kagura are stuck on with both of their teams from the hidden mist & leaf, they come across a shipbuilder who has offered to help tow the ship to safety, as earlier Boruto had a strange experience with him drowning & not knowing who actually saved him for when he woke up.
  • 240:Boruto has teamed up with Ikada, the shipbuilders apprentice to go to the northern part of the shipbuilders island to get some of the missing parts they need to finish repairing the ship that Boruto & his friends came on, in need of repair, to return to the Land Of Water & back to the Village of the Hidden Mist.

  • 241:Boruto has found out it won’t be long til the ship is ready to sail back to the Land Of Water, the Funato Clain in this time, have sought & killed people they deem traitors, and Ikada gets a reunion with his Sister who is also of the Funato clan.
  • 242:Kagura who is a friend of Boruto has gotten word of an incoming attack that will be coming from the Funato Clan, whilst the hidden leaf members are waiting to hear back from the hidden village seek to do in this time, Ikada really wants to fulfill his dream in being a shipbuilder, whilst members of the Funato Clan basically want him back by force.
  • 243:The Land Of Waters Mizukage is on the offensive against the Funato Clan ships, Kagura has decrypted a hidden message, Boruto goes searching for Ikada, only to learn that he too has disappeared from his Boss Kajiki, Kagura takes his team & members of the hidden leaf to his childhood village, to help defend against the Funato Clan.
  • 244:Whilst in Kaguras childhood home with Boruto & his team mates, we learn the backstory of 1 of the prisoners he is seeking a pardon for name Buntan, as she was betrayed by someone to whom she thought she could trust, only to learn the hard way, as she is in conversation with Hebichiigo, Denki & Iwabe in the background have also paid attention an caught wind of the Pirates of the Funato Clan attempting to breach the Village of Kaguras childhood home.
  • 245:Buntan & Kyoho have gone to search out for Hebiichigo, as Hebiichigo has discovered a plan connected to the Funato Clan Pirates, whilst this is all occurring the Hidden Leaf members helping out Kagura in set places to defend his childhood home, whilst the fight progresses after an ambush, Kagura puts in his all to protect his childhood home, with the help of his teammates & the Hidden Leaf Shinobi with him.


These 15 episodes have been quite a journey for Boruto & his friends from the Land Of The Hidden Leaf, so now I get started by covering the 1st 5 episodes of this arc taking place.

So with the 1st 5 episodes there were somewhat some episodes covering Hidden Leaf members from other teams to which we get to encounter a Samurai vs Samurai battle in the 1st episode, the next episode focused on Denki who is now a Chunin a captain of his team now, to do an errand for Katasuke who works in in the Ninja Scientific tool division in the land of the Hidden Leaf, these 1st 2 episodes, eventually played a part with Denki’s mission mainly when an Island he was going to, ended up becoming hostages later on again, once the last 3 episodes played out of the 1st 5 episodes, as Team 7 made their appearance with Kawaki on the team, the beginning of the return to the Land Of Water Arc which Boruto caught up with Kagura whilst Kawaki, Mitsuki & Sarada were overseeing the safety of Katasuke who was meant to be appearing at a conference being held by the Hidden Mist Village.

By the time we move into the next 5 episodes we are officially in the Return To The Land Of Water Arc, as now The Land Of Water is now under conflict by Pirates of the Funato Clan, whilst this is happening many of the Members of the Hidden Leaf Village especially their Shinobi have been bought together from previous events to which some work alongside by those of the Hidden Mist Village Shinobi, Kagura being a friend who Boruto had made, plus Kawaki getting use to see so much of the world he hasn’t seen, plus helping out when he can, as things progress Boruto begins to make friends with Ikada to which at the time he doesn’t presently know he is 1 of the sons of the head Pirates that is warring against the Land Of Water, an sees that all Ikada wants to be is to learn a trade being Shipbuilding & eventually travel the whole world via a ship of his own making.

As we move into the last 5 episodes the stakes have been raised as now the Land Of Water, along with the help of the Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf, now prepare for war to come to their land, as we get to delve a little bit more into Kaguras past, as well to things that played apart in connecting with others, as this also happens within the story, it is also nice to see the backstory behind Ikada, an why he left his ways to become a shipbuilders apprentice, only for a reunion with his sister also of the Funato Clan, to be place into somewhat of a compromised position to which he must now abandon his dream to return to the side of his father who is the head of the Funato Clan, jumping forward towards the end of these 5 episodes we see the hard work by both Kaguras team, an his childhood village as they prepare for pirates to invade their land, as 1 of his prisoners has no gone rogue after being released leaving him to put his trust in the remaining prisoners to return the 1 that left the village.

These 15 episodes weren’t as strong as the last 15 episodes I recently reviewed, as I felt it did slip a bit in quality of its storytelling, but there were definitely some great moments with Kawaki in these episodes, as well to what was happening with Kagura & his team.

I still enjoyed the voice acting, as 1 of the voice actors in this reminded me of Killua from HxH, which was a big surprise, I stick by the rating I give to these 15 episodes.


  • Main Characters:7.5/10
  • Supporting Characters:7.5/10
  • Animation:8/10
  • Story:7.5/10

Big Thx To The Creator Of Boruto

Lets Keep It Colorful!

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